SMF Conference 2023

Seeing the bigger picture

Scottish Football Museum, Glasgow  on Monday 15 May 2023, 09:00 - 17:00

hybrid conference both online and in-person


Glasgow Museums Dutch Paintings: Case Study of the Burrell Collection

My paper will highlight how I am researching and using Glasgow Museum’s (specifically Burrell’s) Dutch and Flemish collections to transmit scholarship, form deeper connections with audiences, and see the bigger picture. I am using Art and our collections to bridge the UK and EU gap by raising awareness within the current political and social climate and increasing divisions.  

By doing collections research, I see the bigger picture and connect the past with the present through art/object investigation, marking its relevance and cross-cultural analysis. I will use examples of objects within the collections I have used and methodology with a brief visual and contextual analysis highlighting its impact and positive social change. I will also give a quick overview of the Glasgow Museum Dutch and Flemish collections summary and how we use it to make them more inclusive. 

Speakers Bio

Shahnila Shafiq, Gallery Assistant, Glasgow Life Museums  

I am an Art Historian specialising in Dutch and Flemish Art and Material Culture. I am Museum Association 2022 Emerging Museum Professional and current Scotland Representative. I work as a Gallery Assistant at the Burrell Collection with Glasgow Museums. I also spoke on the EMP panel at the MA Annual Conference in November. I wrote a review for the award-winning Curating Discomfort exhibition at the Hunterian Museum (University of Glasgow).   

Conference Tickets

Get your tickets via Eventbrite. Tickets go on sale Thursday 16 March 2023.

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Membership is open to anyone who works, studies or volunteers in the Scottish museum sector.